Two Boots Farm

A family run farm and floral design studio in Hampstead, Maryland. We grow a wide variety of cut flowers and produce. We also have over 100 cultivated pawpaw fruit trees. We use ecologically sustainable practices so that future generations can continue to grow in healthy soil.

Funding Freezes and Farmers- A Call to Action


I wanted to write today to provide some insight into the federal spending freeze that is affecting farmers across the country. As you may be aware, the new administration issued massive spending freezes for programs across the country, including USDA funding.

Programs affected include EQIP, which help with infrastructure costs and provide technical assistance; SARE, which funds research and educational programming; REAP, which provides federal assistance for infrastructure, and TOPP, which provides education and technical assistance. Farmers nationwide utilize these programs, and they are critical to rural economic development and strengthening our food system. Freezing these grants has launched farmers throughout the country into economic uncertainty.

In 2024, Two Boots Farm received a $30,000 grant through REAP which would allow us to install solar panels to power the farm. We have already contracted with a company to install the solar array, and spent nearly $30,000 of the farm’s money on the project. The grant for which we were approved requires that the farmer pay out their money first and then the USDA reimburses the farm for the project. Now, with our grant funding frozen, we are faced with the massive uncertainty of what comes next, not knowing if we will receive any reimbursements from the USDA. We cannot afford this project without the grant funding. Across the United States, farmers face the same uncertainty that we are, having made massive investments in their businesses with the promise of financial assistance from the USDA.

We’ve utilized various other USDA grants and programs in the past, and they have been a critical asset as we’ve built this business.

This is not a problem that affects just small farmers. Commodity farmers are seeing the implications of this freeze as well. This funding freeze is a threat to our nation’s food security and to rural economic development.

In light of this development, we ask that you please call your representative in the House and your Senators and request that they take action on this matter. We’ve put together a script, written below, for you to follow if needed. You can find your representatives and their contact information at this link.

Hello, I am [name], and I am a constituent in [zip code]. I live at [address] and my phone number is [number].

I am calling today to ask [Representative/Senator name] to support farmers affected by the USDA funding freeze. With funds for infrastructure, research, and technical assistance frozen, farmers nationwide are now facing economic uncertainty.

You have a duty to oversee the United States Department of Agriculture. We’re calling on you to perform that duty and push USDA to honor its existing contracts and agreements with farmers and to communicate this with farmers as soon as possible.

Thank you for your consideration.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please do reach out to your representatives in Congress and share this information widely.

Wishing you all the best,

Amelia & Elisa