Time Flies
Hello, farm friends,
This season is flying by! Summer has officially arrived and the farm is full of life. We’ve appreciated having several storms over the past week, and so have the plants.
Most of our overwintered cool flowers are finished blooming, and we’ve begun pulling them to make way for a quick buckwheat cover crop. We’re beginning to run out of space on the farm to transplant into, but that won’t stop us from cover cropping! Cover crops are grown with the primary intention of improving soil health, rather harvested for consumption. We spend a lot of time planning our crop rotations and thinking about the best practices for building soil health on the farm. During the summer months, we utilize buckwheat as a quick cover crop to build organic matter and attract beneficial pollinators. Buckwheat only takes about six weeks to reach maturity, so it’s the perfect placeholder cover crop . Throughout the summer, we’ll also try to keep some areas of the farm in longer-term cover crop “cocktails,” which contain several plant species, each with specific benefits to the soil. Since we grow intensively on a small scale, it’s important to us to ensure that we’re able to give the land a break and put organic matter back into the soil.
All is well on the farm, and we’re looking forward to July, which tends to be a slightly slower month for us. We’ll all take brief vacations, savor the first tomatoes, and enjoy the long, hot days. Until then, we’ll keep on planting!
We’ll be back at the pop-up market at Johnny’s this weekend. We’re grateful for you ongoing support and look forward to seeing you there! Come see us on Sunday, June 28th, from 8:00-11:00 am.
Produce Availability 6/21 Market
shishito peppers
spring mix
snap peas
summer squash
swiss chard
And, as always, we’ll bring plenty of flowers with us.
Take care,
The Two Boots Farm crew