September labors
Greetings, farm friends!
Jane and a pawpaw
Greetings! This week absolutely flew. With pawpaw season in full swing we spend a substantial portion of each day harvesting and sorting fruit. Though the harvest is smaller this year, we’ve been excited to see the very first fruits from our newest planting of pawpaws. The new planting is comprised of named, cultivated varieties that we selected, and so we’re looking forward to them producing large, tasty fruits.
Next week will begin planting the first of our overwintered flower crops (how is it time already?!) and will try to get some other field work done amidst the busy pawpaw harvest. The crew finally began to clear the very first of our summer crops this week, ridding the fields of the first successions of zinnias, cosmos, and celosia. Meanwhile, we continue to have a massive influx of florist orders courtesy of the fall wedding season. It feels as though we’re busier than ever! It’s great, albeit exhausting.
This week is our first pawpaw popup of the season. Karen and Emma will be at the Takoma Park Farmers Market this weekend with several hundred pounds of pawpaws, pawpaw books, and an abundance of pawpaw related knowledge. For our Baltimore customers, worry not! We’re going to send plenty of pawpaws with Dave to the JFX Market.
Dahlia season and pawpaw season overlap, which means we’re BUSY harvesting these high maintenance crops.
We don’t sell a lot of salvia flowers, but the pollinators love it and it really shines this time of year.
We’re back at the JFX Market this Sunday, September 17th.
This week’s market availability will feature bouquets, basil, bunches of dahlias, eucalyptus, celosia, millet, sunflowers, giant amaranth, and of course, our build your own bouquet bar. And PAWPAWS!
This year’s pawpaw popup dates:
Sunday, September 17th, Takoma Park Farmers Market
Sunday, September 24th, Dupont Circle Farmers Market
Thanks for reading, and enjoy these waning summer days!
Amelia & The Two Boots crew
A praying mantis hunting, perched on a hydrangea.
Last week’s painting class on the farm was a wonderful time.