Farm Dinner Announcement!
Greetings, farm friends!
A scene from farm dinners past.
We’re pleased to announce that we’re hosting a farm dinner on August 19th. Please join us for a farm tour and a beautifully prepared five course meal. The dinner will be prepared by Chef Jossie, of Tooth and Belly, a new Baltimore food business, and paired with a cocktail by longtime friend of the farm Wilde Thyme. We’ll enjoy the gorgeous surroundings and luxuriate in the delight of a good summer meal.
Newsletter subscribers get early access to tickets, available to you now!
The dinner menu drops on August 6th. Dietary restrictions may be accommodated, you will be able to specify your needs at a later date.
Meg, Karen, and Jane planting zinnias on Monday.
As I’m sure you’ve already heard and experienced yourselves, it’s HOT outside. We had a lot of planting to do this week, so we’re doing the best we can to get everything in the ground and keep it alive under sub-optimal conditions. We do what we can (try to harvest and plant while it is still cool, give plenty of water) and hope for the best. Fortunately, though our summers are always hot and humid, we don’t get too many extreme heat days a year, and by the time they come around our bodies are somewhat adapted to the heat.
In a recent newsletter I talked about the pulse watering system we adapted this year, and I’m pleased to report that it’s gotten us through these hot days with few issues. If anything, we’re beginning to evaluate if we’re actually giving the plants too much water! We have had a fair amount of rain in recent weeks, which also contributes to the steady soil moisture, but we’ve been surprised by how little the soil seems to dry out. In years past we would’ve been much more worried about irrigation during weeks like this, but other than spending hours lugging around hoses to help recently seeded cover crop germinate and cool down crops transplanted on these hot days, we’re really not too concerned!
Our summer bouquets are stunning these days.
We’re back at the JFX Market this Sunday, July 30th.
For this week’s market we’ll have bouquets, dahlias, sunflowers, snapdragons, strawflower, rudbeckia, cosmos,lisianthus, basil and so much more!
Thanks for reading this far!
Wishing you all the best,
Amelia & the Two Boots crew
Gray, looking out from the porch.
Elisa and Gray.
Dahlias are here! Find them at the market this weekend.