Two Boots Farm

A family run farm and floral design studio in Hampstead, Maryland. We grow a wide variety of cut flowers and produce. We also have over 100 cultivated pawpaw fruit trees. We use ecologically sustainable practices so that future generations can continue to grow in healthy soil.

Winding Down


The farm’s appearance completely transformed over the course of the week. Heavy frost over the weekend killed most of the plants that remained in the fields, and now the race is on to clean everything up. We’ve been focused on digging dahlia tubers for most of the week, as they could be damaged by the cold temperatures we’re expecting next week. It usually gets cold in November, but we can’t remember a November where it’s gotten quite as cold for as many days as the forecast predicts it’s going to! So, we’re tucking all of our cool flowers under row cover, rapidly digging up dahlias, and preparing ourselves for the end of the season. Soon, all will be quiet on the farm.

From here on out, we’ll have a lot less available at the market each week. The rest of the season, you’ll find us focused primarily on slinging wreaths and a few special projects we’ve been cooking up. We’ll be bringing vegetables and flowers for as long as we have them, but the harvests are significantly smaller now that the cold has hit.

Field 1 after cutting down the dahlia plants. If you’re growing dahlias at home, wait until after a killing frost to dig your tubers, as they’ll have plenty of time to develop their tubers and will store best once given the opportunity to fully matu…

Field 1 after cutting down the dahlia plants. If you’re growing dahlias at home, wait until after a killing frost to dig your tubers, as they’ll have plenty of time to develop their tubers and will store best once given the opportunity to fully mature.

Field 1 on September 26th. Brimming with dahlias in the background, and with flowers and beds awaiting cover crop in the foreground.

Field 1 on September 26th. Brimming with dahlias in the background, and with flowers and beds awaiting cover crop in the foreground.

A 55 foot trench, ready for high tunnel tulips!

A 55 foot trench, ready for high tunnel tulips!

We’re hiring an assistant farm manager for the 2020 season! Find more information here!


This week at the JFX market we will have arugula, carrots, head lettuce, radishes, hakurei turnips, spring mix, succulent plants, heirloom mums, framed pressed flowers, and wreaths.

Upcoming Events

Wreath Workshop at Well Crafted Pizza, November 21, 2019: tickets

Wreath Workshop at Larder, December 8, 2019: tickets
