Slowing Down
As the weather cools and the days shorten, our to-do list shrinks. We’re cleaning up around the farm, seeding cover crop as we pull out finished flower and vegetable crops, and scheming about the year to come. We’ve finished harvesting pawpaws, pulled out our eggplant, and nearly finished preparing the high tunnels for winter. At this point in the season, frost could come any day. There’s none in the forecast for the next week, and so we should continue to have plenty of flowers for at least a while longer. Once we get our first killing frost, we’ll get to work removing the remainder of our flowers from the fields and digging up dahlia tubers. In the meantime, we’re doing what we can to get the farm tidied up and on its way to being tucked in for winter.
We still have an abundance of gorgeous vegetables in the fields, and we’ve immensely enjoyed sharing our produce with you this year. We hope that our veggies have brought you joy, nourishment, and memorable meals.
Dana with a bundle full of edamame. The leaves were attractive to bugs, but the pods are plump and filled with delicious beans!
We’re still accepting preorders for wreaths! We’re currently only accepting orders for grapevine wreaths, but later on in the season we will begin making evergreen wreaths as well. The wreaths we make in early Autumn tend to be abundant in dried flowers and grasses. Closer to Thanksgiving, we’ll begin offering wreaths with more berries and evergreen branches incorporated in the design. Place your wreath order here.
Kaiti packs the CSA each week, sending our members home with beautiful veggies.
Here’s where you can find us this weekend:
October 11th, 8:00 am - 11:00 am: Johnny’s
We’ll be at market with braising mix, carrots, chard, collard greens, edamame, eggplant, kale, lettuce mix, shishito peppers, radishes, sweet peppers, bouquets, wreaths, and dahlia bunches.
Wishing you well,
Amelia and the rest of the Two Boots Farm crew