The Season's end is upon us
Greetings, farm friends!
Direct seeded flowers tucked in for germination, cover cropped beds, and the last of our field grown flowers in bloom.
There’s potential for frost in the forecast and we’re really wrapping things up here on the farm. We’ll be at the market this weekend, and then taking a break until the market before Thanksgiving, which will be our last time at JFX for this season. As the season draws to a close, we really don’t have that much to bring to market with us!
This week we’ve spent time direct seeding overwintered flowers in the field, continuing with crop removal, and working on some small improvement projects that will hopefully make farm work easier for us in the coming year.
Next week our crew will gather for our annual season review, which is when we all sit down and look at successes and failures from the year. This is a time during which we work together to figure out how to improve life on the farm and discuss what we’d like to see change in the coming year. We started doing this last year, and it was incredibly helpful for making things run smoother this year. There are always changes and improvements that can be made, but it’s nice to see things getting a little bit better every year that we do this. After six years of working here, I can definitely say that the farm has transformed for the better in so many ways. We’re able to work more efficiently, everything is more organized, and we’ve got so many great systems for keeping things moving smoothly. It took a while to get here, but I’m really quite pleased with the way things work now, and it seems like our crew members feel similarly.
Elisa, direct seeding nigella for our Spring harvest.
Wreath pre-orders are live!
Since we’ll be attending fewer markets this fall, we’re offering pre-orders for our ever-popular winter wreaths. We’re offering three colorways and the option to add pinecones for those who want the full-on winter effect. Each wreath is unique and designed with care. We’ve been gathering flowers all year to make them! These wreaths last all winter hanging on your door outside.
We ordered extra flower bulbs this year, and we’d love to share them with you! We’ll have Giant Gladiator Alliums, Sicilian Honey Garlic, Allium schubertii, and mixed ranunculus and butterfly ranunculus available at market until they sell out. All of the alliums are easy to grow, and we’ve written a ranunculus growing guide that is included in any ranunculus corm purchase. We’re growing all of these flowers on the farm, so we can assure you that they’re great both in your garden and in a vase. Plant them in the fall for gorgeous blooms come spring.
My personal favorite of our bulb offerings, Sicilian Honey Garlic.
We’re back at the JFX Market this Sunday, October 22nd.
Heirloom mums, the perfect autumn flower.
This week’s market availability will feature bouquets, basil, bunches of dahlias, eucalyptus, marigolds, and of course, our build your own bouquet bar. We’ll also have pawpaw seedlings, flower bulbs and corms. Get your flowers while you still can!
Because our harvest is beginning to dwindle, we will only be attending a few more markets this fall. We’ll be at the Baltimore Farmers Market this weekend and then return November 19th. We’re also planning to attend the Station North Holiday Market again this year— details to come!
It’s hard to believe that the end of the season is so rapidly approaching. Thank you for all of your support at the markets this year.
Thanks for reading, and enjoy this gorgeous Fall weather.
Amelia & The Two Boots crew
We’ll miss the dahlias when they’re gone.
Jane, working on field cleanup.
A red-backed salamander, found in the wood chip pile. It’s always a treat to find these guys.