Winding down
Greetings, friends!
We had yet another productive week on the farm, and there’s not much work left to do in the field before the year comes to a close. The task list gets shorter each day, and this was the final week of having full-time help from our crew. In the coming weeks we’ll have our crew members around part time to help plant ranunculus and perennials, work on the barn, and complete a few projects that will hopefully make next year’s farm work easier. Things are quieting down on the farm, and after this weekend’s frosts, there really won’t be much left to harvest.
On Monday we gathered together as a team for a season review meeting. In advance of the meeting all of the farm’s employees filled out a survey about the season- what worked, what didn’t, what changes they’d like to see, et cetera. Elisa and I have been meeting for an end of season review for a couple years now, and we implemented quarterly check-ins with our employees last year, but this was the first time we’ve ever had a real, thorough meeting with our employees to review the season and get input about everything from the crops we grow to work schedules. It was such a valuable experience for all of us, and I can’t believe we didn’t start doing it sooner! As an employee myself, I’ve always valued the opportunity to have my voice heard, and it was really a special experience to meet as a group and give everyone an opportunity to present their thoughts and opinions in a formal setting. Two Boots tends to be a pretty relaxed and open environment in general, and there’s a lot of collaboration, communication, and flexibility in how we do things on a day to day basis, but that’s usually on the fly. After our meeting this week we have a huge list of ideas, thoughts, and suggestions from everyone on our team, and now we can work together to make changes that will make everyone’s lives better. I know a few farmers read this newsletter, and I highly recommend trying this approach if you haven’t already.
We spent the rest of the week planting anemones, perennials and an assortment of bulbs, harvesting for florists, preparing for hard frosts coming this weekend, cleaning up the greenhouse, and taking care of other odds and ends. There are so many small tasks to complete as we wrap up the season, but we’ve nearly completed them all. It’s bittersweet to reach this point in the year. We’ve had a wonderful season, and we’re lucky to have had a crew of such incredibly kind, smart, and adaptable people working alongside us. We look forward to doing it all over again next year, and in the meantime, I know that we’re all looking forward to a bit more downtime.
There aren’t many flowers remaining in bloom right now, but those that are sticking around are swarmed with pollinators. This monarch spent a whole lot of time hanging out on the sheffield mums on Thursday, alongside many bees and syrphid flies.
Calling all Two Boots customers! Please consider filling out this survey to help us plan for the coming season and better tailor our production and offerings to what our customers want!
The survey is particularly geared towards customers who have purchased flower shares in the past, but we’d love to hear from you if you are a market customer too
Survey respondents are entered to win an 18” grapevine wreath.
The survey closes Monday, November 14th.
Bees love the marigolds that remain in our high tunnel.
Upcoming Markets
We’re are taking a break from the JFX market this weekend, but will return to finish out the market season on the following dates:
Nov 20
Dec. 4
Dec. 11
At these final markets of the year we’ll be selling wreaths, bulbs, new Two Boots hats and tote bags, and whatever seasonal delights we still have available. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Thanks for reading!
Take care,
Amelia and the rest of the Two Boots crew
A praying mantis, going after the aphids on a crate of lilies in our greenhouse.
Grey, farm supervisor.