Summer Fun
Greetings, farm friends!
With summer’s arrival we’ve turned a corner and entered our quieter months. As people hit the road for summer vacation, we find that business tends to slow down. We spend this slow period tending to plants, catching up on field maintenance, planting fall crops, and of course continuing to harvest and sell to florists and the farmers market. Since there tends to be slightly less to do during the summer months, everyone on the farm takes a vacation, and this year for the first time we’re taking off July 4th!
The rain continued to fall this week, bringing joy to farmers and plants alike. The farm exploded in bloom over the past few weeks. Suddenly there are flowers everywhere! Sometimes we struggle with the fact that we generally have the largest harvests available when demand for flowers is the lowest, but we’re trying to make the most of it this year. Over the next month and a half, we’re hosting several workshops and events on the farm, and we’re looking forward to sharing the blooms and the gorgeous space with friends new and old. Consider joining us for a workshop, yoga, or a farm dinner!
The farm crew planted many more seedlings and perennials this week, and we’re beginning the process of digging up the ranunculus corms that we don’t plan to oversummer. We’ll keep the ranunculus corms in the ground in one high tunnels, where we’ll cover crop with buckwheat over top of them and then possibly plant a late succession of marigolds, zinnias, or celosia. The other ranunuculus high tunnel will be flipped and planted with heirloom mums!
We’re also getting ready to remove the remainder of our spring crops from the high tunnels. In one of the tunnels we’re planning to focus the rest of the season on soil care and pest elimination, as we’ve consistently had horrible pest issues in that space since the tunnel was built, and we need to be able to make use of the flowers we grow in that area. High tunnels are extremely valuable spaces on the farm, and it’s important to make sure that they’re able to grow the highest quality crops possible. Hopefully we’ll be able to knock out all of this high tunnel work before July temperatures take a turn towards unbearable heat.
We’re taking this weekend off from the market- enjoy the long weekend and see you next week!
Thanks for reading this far!
Wishing you all the best,
Amelia & the Two Boots crew